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What is Portillo’s primary business?
Portillo’s serves iconic Chicago street food through high-energy, multichannel restaurants designed to ignite the senses and create a memorable dining experience.
When did Portillo’s become a public company?
Portillo’s became a public company on October 20, 2021
On which exchange is Portillo’s traded and what is the ticker symbol?
Our stock is traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol PTLO
Does Portillo’s franchise its restaurants?
The Company does not franchise and has no plan to offer franchises in the future
How can I buy shares in Portillo’s?
Shares in Portillo’s can be purchased through your stockbroker. You cannot purchase them directly from the company. The ticker is PTLO
Does Portillo’s pay a cash dividend?
No, Portillo’s does not pay a cash dividend at this time.
How can I find out more about Portillo’s press releases and other events?
You may subscribe to our Email Alerts under this Investor Relations section of our website.
When does Portillo’s fiscal year end?
We use a 52- or 53-week fiscal year ending on the Sunday prior to December 31, effective beginning with the first quarter of 2019
Who is Portillo’s transfer agent?
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
59 Maiden Lane, Plaza Level
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (718) 921-8124
59 Maiden Lane, Plaza Level
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (718) 921-8124